Slab Repairs
Lawton Residence
When the Lawton’s came to us they had big problems. The property which they owned in Poway had a severely cracked slab and could not find a qualified contractor to fix it. Our extensive experience with structural concrete repairs and distressed homes made us perfect for the project. First we removed all the fixtures in the home and proceed to stabilize the interior and exterior walls. We then demolished the entire concrete slab. We used metal screw jacks to support the interior walls and they remained in place when we poured the new slab. We also doubled the size of the exterior footing and added steel reinforcing a process we call “underpinning.”
Once the slab repairs were complete we realigned the interior doors, install new windows, repairs cracks in the stucco, reinforced the roof framing and exterior wall framing and proceed to put the home back together again. When we were finished they had a brand new home.
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TEL: 760.747.1207 | FAX: 760.747.1937 1835A S. Centre City Parkway #436
Escondido, CA 92025
® 2003 Custom Builders of California | CA License #979948